Regular Reticulated PU Sponge Filters are used in air purification to remove some large particles of pet dander and hair.
In practical applications, air filter manufacturers will use activated carbon to impregnate them, while filtering large particles, they can also remove volatile organic compounds such as TVOC, odor, formaldehyde and other harmful substances. It is popular as an initial filter in air purifiers and fresh air systems.
We call it Activated Carbon Sponge Filter.

Activated Carbon Sponge Filter
Activated Carbon Sponge Filter can be used to remove volatile organic compounds and related pollutants such as large particles, odor, formaldehyde, voc, etc. in the air during air purification.
Honeycomb activated carbon sponges are often impregnated with activated carbon. Its carbon content is about 30-50%, and it has good adsorption performance.
Commonly used in air purifiers, home air conditioners, central air conditioners, air fresheners, range hoods, heaters, air conditioning fans, and special purpose duct filtration.
Product Features:
1. Adsorption performance: Benzene adsorption capacity: > 90%; Iodine adsorption capacity: 1000mg/g or more
2. Deodorization performance: 30 minutes for ethanethiol removal rate ≥ 90%; Trimethylamine removal rate ≥ 90%
3. Operating temperature range: -20 °C ~ 130 °C
Product specifications: thickness 3-25mm
So can the Activated Carbon Sponge Filter be washed?
Which performance is better than HEPA high efficiency filters?
Master Sponge and Foam Products Manufacturer tell you: Activated Carbon Sponge Filter is easy to deform after washing, the pore size will be enlarged, it is not recommended to wash. It can be replaced every 3 months. This layer of sponge filter acts as the first filter of the air filtration system. It can block some large particles for the HEPA filter high-efficiency filter in the back, reduce the burden of HEPA filter, and extend the life of the high efficiency filter relatively.
Obviously, Activated Carbon Sponge Filters have lower filtration performance for 0.3 micron microparticles than HEPA filters. The particle size of the particles filtered by the two is different. The HEPA filter has a higher filtration accuracy. The sponge filter has low resistance when purifying the air, but it cannot block the fine dust in the strong air flow. The HEPA filter is mainly made of high-efficiency filter paper, which can block more than 99.9% of the fine particles.